What is Dry Eye?
Dry Eye disease is a common, chronic, condition that occurs when your eyes do not have enough tear production. Symptoms include dryness, redness, itchiness, stinging & more.

Our clinic uses the IDRA instrument to take detailed scans of the individual layers of the tear film as well as high-resolution imaging of the eyelids and lashes.

We offer a series of in-office treatments, as well as at-home remedies, to improve tear production and alleviate the symptoms of dry eye disease.

Frequently Asked Questions
Curious about our dry eye treatments? Get answers to the most commonly asked questions about IPL & RF dry eye treatment here.

Learn what our clients are saying about how Vista Eyecare’s dry eye treatment has changed the way they see the world.

Dry Eye Intake
Interested in getting dry eye treatment? Fill out our intake form and get started on the process today!
“Do I have dry eyes?”
Some people may have dry eye symptoms but may not necessarily have dry eye disease. Click here to book a dry eye consultation.